Intended Parents Legal Representation for Surrogacy

We represent Intended Parent(s) having a child(ren) through surrogacy in the state of California. If you live in another state or country, we can refer you to an attorney who is licensed in your state or country. We charge a flat fee for our legal services. Our legal services for Intended Parent(s) having a child(ren through surrogacy are:

  • Contract drafting, review, and negotiation
  • Draft and coordinate the pre-birth order to establish parental rights with the court
  • Execute legal clearance letter required by clinic
  • Keep your surrogacy agency informed
  • Review of agency retainer agreements, if requested
  • Review of surrogate profiles with client, if requested
  • Review of any clinic forms, if requested
  • If your surrogacy is done independently without an agency, our Consulting Package can provide for you referrals to various professional services, such as surrogacy concierges, agencies who offer services for Intended Parent(s) who already have a surrogate, escrow account companies, mental health professionals, health/life insurance companies and more
  • Additional legal services, for an additional fee, include Healthcare Power or Attorney and Nomination of Guardian



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